Outreach and Fellowship Opportunities
- Volunteering at our Local Food Pantry: Community Link
- Providing Snack Packs to the local elementary school
- Giving the Elementary School Nurse extra clothes for the kids
- Providing high school seniors with college scholarships
- Support of our Sister Church in Nigeria
- Adopting Christmas “Angels” from our local Elementary School (Children for whom we buy Christmas gifts)
- Annual Women’s Retreat
- Providing food and items to our local food pantry
- Potluck Dinners
Ongoing Studies for Adults
You’re invited to attend our various ongoing Bible Studies, Short Term Studies, and Adult Sunday School classes where you will learn about the Bible, Bible characters, application of the Bible to your life, and how to use your Bible.
Children’s Ministry
Children are invited to participate in Children’s Church each Sunday for crafts, Bible stories, and learning how to use their Bibles.
There is a nursery for children under 3. Children are invited for a message just for them during worship. In addition, they are invited to sing from time to time in worship, enjoy a yearly Easter Egg Hunt and Carnival, attend Vacation Bible School in the summer, and to various other events just for them!

Women’s Ministry
The Women’s ministry hosts a women’s retreat each year. This is a great opportunity to fellowship with other women, and friends are always welcome!

Choir Ministry
Dido’s Choir practices several times each month and performs in worship monthly. You are invited to sing as well! All are welcome. The choir also rehearses for 5 weeks before performing a Christmas Cantata in December and on Easter Sunday. They also perform on other specials Sundays such as Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday, and Holy Thursday.

Snack Packs
Dido makes weekend snack packs for children who may not get a weekend meal at Eagle Mountain Elementary School. The entire church donates the food and comes together several times a year to put the snack packs together. They are delivered weekly to the school.

Community Link

Dido UMC serves the local food pantry through collecting food and volunteering weekly or monthly to serve food to the community. Please bring your food items to the church and place them in the boxes in the sanctuary foyer and near the Fellowship Hall doors. If you would like to volunteer please click HERE.

Nigerian Mission
DIDO UMC supports her sister church and congregation in Yaukani, Nigeria by providing funds to pay the pastor’s salary and transportaion and through supporting the congregation with our prayers, assistance for food, clean water, mosquito nets, and clothing.