Planning to visit? Here’s what to expect:
The feeling of visiting a new church can be a mix of excitement and apprehension. Here’s what you need to know…
ALL Are Welcome:
All means everyone! No matter who you are, what your beliefs, your gender, your race, your orientation, your mood, you are welcome at Dido UMC! God loves you. You matter. That means Dido wants to love you too
even if you’re feeling unlovable. Please, be our guest. You WILL be welcomed!
What to Wear:
At Dido UMC, you’ll find people from all walks of life. Some will be dressed in their Sunday best and some will be in jeans and t-shirts. Wear whatever is comfortable to you. We’ll just be happy you came.
Worship begins at 10:30 am and we gather to sing, pray, fellowship, and listen to the message. Don’t worry, no one will call you out during the service, but do expect plenty of people to say hello to you. We usually pass an offering plate, but you are not expected to give until you are comfortable and no one will look at you sideways if you do or do not give.
Young children are welcome to stay with you during the service or to go to the nursery. During the children’s time your children are welcome to come to the front to hear a message just for them.

If it happens to be the first Sunday of the month we will have Communion after the message. Dido is a United Methodist Church with an open table so anyone who professes Christ as their Lord (a Christian) is welcome. This includes children too. Communion elements consist of grape juice and bread. No one is required or looked down upon if they choose not to take Communion.

Breakfast is served before and after worship in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to partake.
After Your Visit:
If you fill out the form attached to your bulletin please expect a card, email, text, phone call or the like. You will not be harassed, just greeted. It is important you know how good it was to have you worship with us and we want you to feel welcome to return any and all the time